Our Coordinator / Admin Team
Since our founding in 2000, Virtual Eastern Bay Villages / Te Kokoru Manaakitanga has developed and grown in a positive direction. We’re very proud of the diversity of our staff, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. Find out more about some of our team members below.

Jo Ramanui-Tahuri
Pou Arahi
Ko Mataaua tōku Waka
Ko Pūtauaki tōku Maunga
Ko Rangitaiki tōku Awa
Ko Ngāti Awa tōku Iwi
Ko Ngāi Tamawera tōku Hapū
Ko Uiraroa tōku Marae
Ko Jo Ramanui-Tahuri Ahau
I was born and raised in Whakatane, therefore I am passionate about our community and in particular our Kaumatua who I have the pleasure and privilege to work with.
I have been in my role as Pou Arahi with Virtual Eastern Bay Villages since 2019

Kylie Carpenter
My name is Kylie and I am very excited to have taken
on a co-ordinator role with Eastern Bay Villages.
My husband and I both grew up around the area
and after spending some time away, we decided that the
Eastern Bay was the best place to raise a family. We have
been living back in Edgecumbe for 12 years.
For the past 7 years, I have been involved within Playcentre I have also spent many volunteer hours helping to establish a children’s charity, The Clothing Project which I look forward to sharing about with our members.
Our Board of Trustees
Eastern Bay Villages/ Te Kokoru Manaakitanga Board of Trustees is structured on a Tangata Whenua / Tangata Tiriti Partnership
Our commitment to Te Tiriti is reflected in our ‘two whare’ board with Māori and Pākehā co-chairs, and made manifest in our work and relationships with iwi / hapū as well as our mainstream communities.

Acclaimed local artist and philanthropist, driven by passion for social
justice and equity. Champion of the voice often unheard. David works tirelessly to
bring people together under the arts and culture banner and is passionate in
supporting seniors in our community.
Adele Tierney
Amohaere Tangitu
Te Tawera hapu, Ngati Rangitihi, Ngati Awa: a leading wahine
toa with insightful skills and personal attributes that have enabled her to guide and
navigate social and structural change in the health sector. Amohaere brings a wealth
of knowledge and leads in the tikanga and kaupapa of VEBV
Andy Stretton
Migrant from Zimbabwe, with experience in policing, passionate
about community, has held a leadership role in paper manufacturing and
engineering, currently working in real estate, a Rotarian and dedicated family man.
Hemi Mooney
David Poole
Ngati Awa, Ngati Rangithi, Tuwharetoa, Whakatōhea,
experienced in project coordination and policy work with Te Tohu o Te Ora Ngati
Awa, Passionate about environment and supporting kaumatua and kuia in the
Born in Whakatane, caring compassionate family man, with years of
experience in the funeral industry. Qualified embalmer and Funeral Director.
Most recently Hemi has taken up a role with Iwi provider, Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau

Our Cultural Advisor
Dr. Pouroto Ngaropo - Ngati Awa
Dr. Pouroto Ngaropo is Chairperson of Te Tāwera Hapū Trust
He has been Deputy Chairperson of Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa, was involved in Ngāti Awa Treaty settlement negotiations, held positions on Ngāti Awa’s Arts Council, and was Chairperson of Ngāti Awa Education Grants Committee.
He has been involved with kapa haka in a range of roles and has held numerous cultural advisory positions.
Mr Ngaropo has been Chairperson of the Māori Mataatua Consultative Committee for Pacific Health, Pōkerekere Māori Lands Trust, Te Kohika Art Collection, Whakatane District Council Iwi Liaison Committee, and Eastern Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation.